Awards Distribution:

Cash awards were distributed to students in Government Higher secondary school (co-education) and Government girls high school in Aravakurichi.

Prize Distribution:

Three students in +2 (HSC), three students in boys higher secondary school and three girls in Girls high school were awarded with cash price.

School and College Fees:

The students who lost both parents or lost the breadwinner of the family were supported for the school and college fees from the personal salary of the trustee.

Identified a Handicap Home :

Rajiv Gandhi home for handicapped women in Pondicherry, the trustee gave monthly petrol bills for their vehicle which was used for commuting the handicapped girls to school and back. This assistance was done for 4 years.

Financial Assistance:

Financial assistance given to young boy who was struggling for his life in ICU in hospital and saved his life timely.

Save Suicide Attempted People:

Free psychological counseling provided to save suicide attempted people and reversed them. They are leading happy life now.

Psychological counseling:

Psychological counseling done for students who performed poorly in their studies, depressed personnel, love failure, premarital, compatibility problematic couple, executives who suffered with various stress in the organization have been handled successfully.

Career counseling:

Career counseling has been done for Hsc students in Karur District for few years for more than 750 students every year. Motivate Youngs

Motivate Young Graduates:

Participated in Self employment motivation programs to motivate young graduates to start their own industries along with District Industries Centre & Lead Manager of RBI in Karur District.

Guest Lectures in Fresehers Camp:

Conducted guest lectures in Engineering, catering and management institutions for preparing the fresh students to equip them for job.

Personality Development:

Conducted personality development programs to shape up rural graduates.

Yoga Therapy:

Free psychological counseling provided to save suicide attempted people and reversed them. They are leading happy life now.