our few Services for You
Adopt few Deserving Students, Old Age Home, Teaching & Counseling, Motivate Young Graduates, Personality Development, Yoga Therapy

Next 5 years Plan

1. Plan to adopt few deserving students who scored good marks, those who wants to pursue their studies further where in they do not have both parents or no income in the family will be taken over by this trust.

2. Teaching and counseling to special children like autism, dyslexia, ADHD, delayed development & delayed speech. In order to achieve this, the trust will engage special education teachers to handle such children. The expenses will be born by trust where poor parents could not pay the consultation fees.

3. Old age home for destitute men and women, where in those who do not have children or discarded by their children will be taken care for their shelter, food and medicine. The total strength will be limited to 20 to start from April 2011

Adopt few Deserving Students

Plan to adopt few deserving students who scored good marks, those who wants to pursue their studies further where in they do not have both parents or no income in the family will be taken over by this trust.

Adopt few Deserving Students

Plan to adopt few deserving students who scored good marks, those who wants to pursue their studies further where in they do not have both parents or no income in the family will be taken over by this trust.

Teaching & Counseling

Teaching and counseling to special children like autism, dyslexia, ADHD, delayed development & delayed speech. In order to achieve this, the trust will engage special education teachers to handle such children. The expenses will be born by trust where poor parents could not pay the consultation fees.